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Top 10 Social Media Marketing Trends for 2023 That You SHOULD Know

It's an ever-changing world, and we can't stop it. Trends are changing, and brands must adapt to share their messages with users in a more creative and engaging way.

So what should you know to stay on top of your social media marketing this year?

Social media trends will help you stay relevant (or even stand out) in order to increase the visibility, market reach, and user engagement of your brand. Here are some key things you should know to stay relevant to your audience and not be left out of the competition.

1. Authenticity is the key

Aside from video content, which has consistently appeared on the trends list in recent years, authenticity has gradually become the determining factor of success for social media platforms. Authenticity, real-time posts, and posts that customers can relate to are more of a demand than an expectation in an age of overly-edited images and videos and customer cynicism.

The rise of TikTok and the emerging BeReal platform demonstrate the need for filter-free content and genuinely relatable situations and personalities. This trend is gradually displacing traditional, filtered "Insta" content.

2. Short-form video content

With the rise of TikTok, an interesting trend has emerged. Short-form videos have become a phenomenon among younger audiences. This trend is being driven by Generation Z, but other demographics are following suit. And it is easy to see why short, engaging videos are so popular. They are simple to create and reasonably priced, resulting in some excellent user-generated content.

Instagram took the first step toward the shorter video format, introducing Instagram Reels to its platform. Despite the fact that their key demographics differ, this type of video "microcontent" has grown in popularity with them as well. This content trend will only worsen as people's attention spans shrink from generation to generation. These short videos are used by influencers to promote partner products and services to their audiences.

3. Effectiveness of Micro-influencers

In terms of influencer marketing, this trend will be even more prominent this year. As more people shop from home, your brand promotion strategy will be defined by collaborating with influencers who have a large following. Influencer marketing is an effective social marketing strategy, but it can be expensive.

Because macro influencers have large followings, it is difficult for them to engage with their fans. Micro-influencers, on the other hand, have smaller audiences but higher levels of engagement. Collaborating with a smaller number of influencers who are better suited to your target market can result in a higher return on investment for your company.

4. The rise of social commerce

Buyers today are more informed than ever before. They are conducting extensive research on your company and its products. That is why this approach to business has so much promise. Convenience is important to potential customers. As 54% of people use social media to research products, this means gathering information about you and your offering in one place. Customer interaction and reviews, as well as how your brand is represented, enable them to make informed decisions and purchase more quickly.

Another important factor to consider is that this trend is likely to continue as other social channels experiment with similar features and methods to provide businesses with new sales venues. This will align them with the business goal of new customer acquisitions and audience expectations.

5. Social networks for customer service

As social media platforms become more important for commerce, it stands to reason that they will soon be used as a customer service channel as well. It is critical to maintain open lines of communication with your customers in order to address potential issues as soon as possible. What better way to connect with them than to use an already available feature that allows you and your customers to communicate in real-time? It's also good PR when brands publicly respond to customers and assist them.

6. Personalized ads

Paid advertising is effective, which is why more than half of businesses intend to increase their social media advertising budget. Given the rising popularity of video and graphic content on social media, it's no surprise that Instagram will receive the majority of social media ad spending. Not to mention the recent increase in audience the platform has seen.

Ad traffic and content promotion will also increase on Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn. According to Hootsuite, marketers report that these channels are the most effective in helping them achieve their business objectives. And they are very effective for various types of business growth.

7. Brand involvement and social listening

Social listening can be used in a variety of ways. For example, if your brand is mentioned, you want to be there, especially if a customer has a problem or a question. A prompt and helpful response does more for your brand's image than any advertisement could ever do. But being reactive isn't the only option; you can also be proactive by anticipating emerging topic trends and monitoring how people react to them.

8. Tight-knit communities

Facebook and LinkedIn were well-positioned to capitalize on this trend, and it shows. The number of groups on Facebook has increased, which corresponds almost perfectly with the current situation in the world, as people are socially oriented and want to interact with others. Companies have also noticed this trend on social media and are increasingly interested in expanding their communities.

9. Social justice and awareness

More and more brands are deciding to engage in public discourse on social media about issues of social justice, politics, and the environment. This could be a bold marketing strategy or genuine involvement, both of which could have a negative impact on a segment of the audience. More than half of social media users, particularly younger audiences, support the trend of business activism and would like to see your brand actively engaging on controversial issues.

10. Social media and email marketing integration

Using both channels for different purposes is an excellent way to combine them. Social media platforms are excellent for increasing brand awareness and audience interest, whereas email marketing is primarily concerned with conversion. A cross-channel campaign, such as a social giveaway in exchange for a subscription to your email newsletter, is a good place to start.

However, social media trends are constantly shifting. Popular trends start out small. This is why you should keep an ear to the ground on social media and keep an eye out for opportunities.